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Her Outlaw Cowboys: A Reverse Harem Romance (Cowboy Desires Book 2) Page 3

  Where life was boring as fuck.

  “Yeah, well, trust me. Looks, especially on the great badass word of social media can be deceiving. Just shut up and keep driving. That’s an order.”

  “Not even a satellite radio. I will die if I have to listen to country music the entire time I’m here.” Georgia twisted the knob again, praying to God she could find another station. “And you’re the one on vacation. I’m here to work. Remember?”

  “You old fuddy duddy. You’re in God’s country and the only thing you can think about is finding the perfect radio station? By the way, if you’d upgraded to something other than a tin can, my guess is you’d have that satellite radio.”

  She issued a nasty hiss, snapping her head in her friend’s direction. “Teacher’s salary. Remember?” The website sucked. Even the brochure was outdated. Why had she been drawn to Lone Wolf?

  The word ‘karma’ continued to come to mind. She rolled her eyes out of frustration.

  “Just hope you pulled out your credit cards for a new wardrobe or you might be the laughing stock of cowboy country. Did you see the men in the airport? Forget a horse. Ride a cowboy.” Jessica couldn’t stop giggling.

  “I was too busy trying to figure out where the hell we were going.” Georgia grimaced and hit scan on the radio one last time.

  “And you still don’t. Look out!”

  Jerking up, she’d managed to see she’d crossed over the middle line and was headed straight for a… “Oh, fuck. Me.” She’d recognize the blue lights hugging the top of the car in any state. Slamming on her brakes, she heard a groaning noise as the tires skidded. She kept both hands on the wheel, praying she wasn’t going to kill them both as the car swung around and around. When it finally stopped, dust was everywhere, all but shutting down visibility.

  “Shit. Shit! What the hell?” Jessica’s voice shook. She had both hands on the dashboard, her one hundred dollar manicured fingernails digging into the cheap faux leather.

  “Ugh!” Georgia snapped and leaned her head against the headrest, trying to control her breathing. Then anger boiled within her, the kind of rage that drove her into a fit, tantrums as Joe liked to call them. “Damn. Damn. Damn!”

  “Okay, girl. Let’s not break the steering wheel on top of this. Okay?”

  She hadn’t realized she’d been slapping the wheel with enough force, her hands were aching.

  Tap. Tap.

  “Shit!” Both girls jumped, their screams echoing in the small space.

  Georgia counted to five before lowering her window and as the dust began to clear, she sunk further into her set. “Crap,” she whispered under her breath. “Um, hello, officer. How are you today?”

  Peering back at her were the bluest set of eyes she’d ever seen. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a hospitable appearance.

  “Ma’am. Do you know you almost ran me off the road?”

  “I’m sorry, officer. We aren’t from around here.” Jessica leaned over.

  Narrowing her eyes, she gawked at her friend, who’d tugged down her top, exposing pretty much all of her breasts, hardened nipples included.

  “That’s Deputy Marshall, Miss,” he stated with authority. “And I need you to do two things for me. Pull over to the side of the road very carefully and very slowly and I need to see your driver’s license. And I will be watching.” He took several long strides away from the car, as if terrified she’d run him over.

  “Uh-oh. I don’t think he likes us very much,” Jessica whispered.

  “What’s to like? We almost killed the man.” Fuming, Georgia blinked until she could see the road. The car was sitting smack in the middle. Every part of her body shaking, she managed to maneuver the car onto the grassy edge, cutting the engine and trying to remember if she’d even brought her driver’s license. Oh, yeah. She would have needed it to rent the car. “Purse. Can I have my purse?”

  “Did you get a look at that man? He’s the real deal, a cowboy with a big gun. Yummy.”

  She decided she was going to kill her friend and mail pieces of her back to North Carolina.

  “Driver’s license,” the deputy insisted.

  He looked pissed. “Yes, sir.” Georgia grabbed her purse from Jessica’s hand, yanking out her wallet. She fumbled, laughing nervously as she attempted to find her driver’s license.

  “There is nothing funny about reckless driving, ma’am,” he said, almost casually, leaning down to look in the car, his eyes floating to the backseat.

  She held her breath as she handed him her license, grabbing a quick look at his physique. Granted, Jessica was right. The man was hot as Hades and built like no officer of the law she’d ever run into. Literally. “I’m here for work. The Lone Wolf Ranch? They hired me to do their social programs. I’m a teacher in North Carolina, Charlotte to be exact. Just here for the summer but I need a car. I think anyway. I can’t ride a horse, even though I said I could, which I know I shouldn’t lie, but sometimes you just have to.”

  Only when Jessica gripped her arm did she stop babbling.

  He studied her license then her face, back to her license then stood to his full height.

  “We are in so much trouble. Great. Spending my vacation in the slammer. Way to go, girl,” Jessica huffed under her breath.

  “Shut up. Just be quiet. Okay?” Georgia felt like a bad little girl being scolded.

  And you know what bad girls deserve.

  Why was her little voice on active overload?

  Deputy Marshall leaned over again, narrowing his eyes as he handed Georgia her license. “Seeing that you’re new to our fair city and are planning on working at my brother’s ranch, I’ll let this one go, but be warned. I don’t want you driving like a maniac again or I’ll have to put you behind bars, handcuffed and punished.”

  Were his eyes twinkling? By God, they were. “Yes, sir. I will be a very good girl from now on, so I don’t have to be punished.” The little voice inside Georgia’s head was jumping for joy that she’d blurted out the overt sexual innuendo. Her rational mind was another story.

  He gave her a solid once over, taking his time before tapping on top of the car. “I may have to visit you in the near future to see if you’re upholding the law. Punishment is swift around these parts.”

  “Bring your handcuffs by all means,” Jessica offered, craning her neck to see as much of him as possible. “Girls need punishment.”

  Georgia wanted to crawl under the floor mat.

  He issued a smile and tipped his cowboy hat. “I’ll keep that in mind. Have a safe rest of the drive, ladies.”

  She held her breath until she was lightheaded. “God. Oh, God. Punishment? Are you flippin’ out of your mind?”

  “Honey, that was fabulous and what’s wrong with being flirtatious? Besides, you might have that disciplinarian you crave after all.” Jessica fiddled with her top, adjusting her boobs.

  Tipping her head in Jessica’s direction, she asked herself once again why she’d agreed to having her BFF spend even a minute with her on this adventure. Jessica was a troublemaker, a wild woman, a… Sighing, she watched as he drove off before starting the engine. “Let’s just get to the ranch. Okay?”

  “And in one piece.”

  As the old Donna Summer song, Bad Girls, played over in her mind like a broken record, she shoved the lascivious thoughts regarding punishment back in her rendition of Pandora’s Box, chaining and padlocking it. Business. You’re here for business only.

  Fifteen minutes later, Georgia made a sharp turn, her GPS going nuts. Headed straight for a massive mountain range, she leaned forward, gazing out the window. “This is magnificent.” The wisp of clouds just covering the peaks were billowy, the sky clear and bright as sun created a shimmering effect dancing all along the ridgelines in the rocks. There were horse trailers lining the fence, cowboys in hats and boots as far as the eye could see. This was out of some glorified Hallmark movie.

  “Now, you notice the gorgeous scenery.”

kay, I agree with you. Just beautiful.”

  “Almost as much as the men. Would you look at those two fixing the fence over there? Jesus, my pussy is wet,” Jessica whispered then moaned, her finger pointing out the window.

  As she drove by, she was able to garner a better look. Yes, the two shirtless men were hot, sizzling in fact. Wide shoulders and chiseled muscles, six pack abs and muddy blue jeans that was the sexiest attire in the word. Great. She was horny. Bringing the single vibrator didn’t seem to be enough, even though the security check had been an interesting experience.

  Bad girls…

  The expansive land was wide open, acres and acres of pasture, horses on one side and cattle on the other. The entire appearance was out of a magazine, far too incredible to be real. As Jessica jabbered on, she tried to squelch her nerves. This was a huge undertaking. She didn’t know the people, the city, what kinds of parties they expected or even what accommodations were going to be provided. She’d simply jumped at the chance to get out of town.

  “Would you look at that mansion? No, not a mansion. A chalet? What do you call that?” Jessica was almost panting.

  Slowing the car to a crawl, Georgia stared, her mouth hanging open. The lodge style house was more like a huge log cabin. The area was busy with activity, mostly trucks coming and going from all directions. No wonder Lone Star needed a social director. She could just make out other buildings, including two or three separate barns, tremendous in size. “Wow.”

  “Wow is right. The brochure didn’t do this place justice. You are a genius!” Jessica insisted.

  A lump formed in her throat and at this point, she wanted to open the car door, stick her head out and hurl. “Oh, God. I don’t think I can do this.” Was she squeaking like a little girl?

  “Come on, Georgie. This is child’s play. What’s so hard about planning a few parties?”

  “Everything and don’t call me Georgie,” Georgia snapped. What the hell did she know about planning parties? She’d hosted a single bachelorette party in her life and the bride to be had gone home with not one but both of the ‘talent’ she’d hired to dance. Needless to say, she wasn’t on the no-longer-a-couple’s Christmas cards’ list.

  “Hmmm… Someone needs a nap.”

  Georgia rolled her eyes.

  The closer they came to the main house, the more apprehensive she became. There were people everywhere, trucks with horse trailers, people milling about, kids with festive balloons floating in the breeze. Self-doubt had been a mainstay for years. Today? Crippling. Georgia managed to find a parking place so far to the left of the house they’d have to trek for a full five minutes. After killing the engine, she sat with her hands in her lap. “Nope. Nada. I can’t do this. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m crazy. Lunatic. Nut case.”

  Jessica sighed and closed her eyes briefly. When she spoke, there was no jesting, no teasing. “I’ve known you for ten years. You’re kind to everyone, a devoted teacher and you’ve never done anything for yourself. You also hide behind a mask so thick that very few know the real woman inside. I’m not even certain you know who she is. You want love. You want a change in your life. You want a strong man or more than one man, but you never explore. Nothing kinky, nothing wild. You deserve this. More than that. You need this. Find yourself. Make yourself happy for the first time in your life. No matter what happens, who you meet, what you do, I certainly won’t judge you. I’ll be applauding you every step of the way. I love you as a friend, but you rarely smile. I want to see that smile. Please do this. I’m begging you.”

  The way her bestie said the words, in a pleading tone, brought tears to her eyes. “I’m just so afraid.”

  Reaching over, she grabbed Georgia’s hand. “That’s what makes this so exciting. You never know what you’re going to find in such a wondrous place. But you have to give yourself this gift.”

  Inhaling, she thought about the years in her life, little happiness, worry about paying every bill. The only joy were the children, but even then, the experiences were short lived. “You’re right. Whatever happens will help me grow.” There. I can do this. Bad girl. Very bad girl.

  “That’s the spirit. Now, come on. I think we’re due for a hot bath, a cold drink and hunting gorgeous men. And not necessarily in that order. Don’t you?”

  A rush of heat washed up from her neck to her cheeks. She grabbed the door handle and exhaled all the anger, the fear and the worry she’d been carrying around for years, decades. “Let’s go get ‘em.”

  “That’s my girl!”

  Georgia grabbed her purse, leaving the rest of her bags and held her head high. An adventure. She could do this. She would do this. Yes. Wiping a bead of perspiration from her brow, she walked around several cars until she was able to step onto the massive front porch, the entire surface aligned with flower pots and swings, rocking chairs and tables. What wasn’t there to love about the place?

  As soon as she walked past the two sets of double doors, she gasped. The architecture was incredible, high beams and a floor to ceiling stone fireplace off to the side. She glanced up at the balcony and couldn’t help but smile. “Just amazing.”

  “Come on, little Miss Sunshine. Let’s check in so we can explore.” Tugging her through a crowd of people toward the check in area, she plopped Georgia as close to the front as possible. “Important person checking in.”

  “Would you stop?” Giggling, Georgia couldn’t take her eyes off the expansive room holding the fireplace. The walls were adorned with various animals, moose heads and what looked like buffalo, other creatures she could swear were prehistoric. Even the pictures lining the walls were western in nature, colorful depictions of men on horses, ropes swinging in the air as they raced after cattle.

  “Not bad, huh?” The voice was deep with a slight twang.

  Georgia was forced to look up at the man, his grin infectious. “Beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like this place.” She was surprised he was in a pair of black jeans and a simple blue t-shirt, but dear God, the material hugged his chest muscles like nobody’s business. She had to divert her eyes away for fear of whimpering.

  “We like to call it home. Are you checking in?” he asked, moving to the computer.

  “Actually, I’m Georgia Taylor. Your new Social Director.”

  He darted another glance, scrutinizing then breaking into a huge smile. Sticking out his arm for a handshake, he leaned over the counter. “Nice to meet you. I’m Shane Marshall. I kinda run this place, at least when my brother isn’t clamoring around. We are so glad to see you. You have an impressive resume. Catering. Planning weddings. Parties for the rich and famous. I am shocked you accepted the position.”

  Shaking hands with the true cowboy sent shivers down her spine. When Jessica jabbed her in the side, she jumped. “I’m thrilled to be here.”

  “And who is your friend?” His eyes twinkled when he looked at Jessica.

  “She’s staying for a few days. I mean if that’s okay. I mean with me. In my room. If there’s room.” Georgia knew she was blabbering again.

  The cowboy grinned, tipping his head, his gaze shifting to Jessica.

  “Jessica. Jessica Miller,” Jessica breathed, pursing her lips. She kept his hand in hers, fanning her face with the other hand.

  “Jess,” Georgia whispered.

  Laughing, he reached into a drawer, pulling out a set of actual keys. “There’s plenty of room. We thought you’d prefer a cabin of your own. Why don’t you get all settled in and I’ll let Richard know you’re here. I’m certain he’ll want to talk to you.”

  “Thank you so much. A cabin. I wasn’t expecting that.” Georgia took the keys, feeling every bit the liar she was. The embellishment on her resume had been after the wine. Sure, blame the wine consumption for lying like a dog.

  “Only the best for our employees. Now, all you need to do is keep on the same path you came in on. About a mile down the road, you’ll come to a sign for the employee’s quarters. Yours in the third one
on the right. Can’t miss it. There’s an employee café at the end of that street and you’re welcome to come up to the main house and eat at the restaurant as well. We have a well renowned chef in our midst.” Shane couldn’t take his eyes off Jessica.

  “What kinds of things are there to do at this fancy resort?” Jessica brushed her hand down her neck as she swayed her hips back and forth.

  “Watersports of all kinds. Hunting, if you’re into that. Hiking and ropin’ and riding horses. If you’d like, I’ll be happy to show you around tomorrow. Ms. Taylor will be far too busy to keep you company.” Shane’s voice had dropped to a seriously sensuous level.

  Georgia resisted chuckling seeing the look on her friend’s face.

  “I’d love that, cowboy. I need all the help I can get being roped, er learning ropin’ and horses,” Jessica purred.

  “Then we’re on for ten in the morning. I’ll come get you.” Shane winked. “Why don’t you both come back here in an hour or so? While Georgia is talking with Richard, I’m certain I can find something for you to do, Jessica. If you’re game.”

  “I’m always game,” Jessica stated without any hesitation.

  “Thank you again.” Georgia grabbed her arm, trying to yank her away. The force of her jerk threw her, and she stumbled backwards and straight into the arms of someone else. A man. A man with massive arms, one who stood a solid foot taller than her and as she inhaled, she tingled from the musky scent. His hands moved down her arms, his grip firm but easy, keeping her from falling flat on her face. For a few seconds, she remained exactly where she was, refusing to move. Then her rational side took over. “I’m so sorry.” Yanking herself upright, she turned, flabbergasted at her actions.

  “No problem.” His eyes were narrowed then opened wide as he gazed down the length of her body. “No problem at all.”

  Flanked by two others, Georgia could hear the exclamation coming from Jessica. All three were incredible in their size and physique, their stunning looks and sculpted bodies. They were every woman’s fantasy and almost exactly as she’d pictured in her dreams. Oh God. Don’t panic. Don’t make a fool out of yourself. She darted another look, able to keep her wits about her.